New Course!

Just started a new course with Laura & Linda Kemshall – Creative Sketchbooks. I so wish I had taken the plunge and enrolled here long ago!
These are my first images for the course, the first is My Place – where I live, and the second is a pencil drawing of spoons from my cutlery drawer – may take these a lot further!

Journal 52 – Wk14 – Seeds

I always like making dandelions but just discovered a new way, with a piece of chopped about sponge!
Thankyou Alma Stoller for your stamp making videos!
Dylusions blue paint applied with a babywipe for background. White sponge painted dandelions, white sharpie to add dots and seeds and some stems added with green acrylic. This was fun!

Journal 52 Wk14 008

Wildlife update!

Great day for the birds here in the garden. Apart from the normal array of bluetits and sparrows we had a pair of goldfinches on the feeder and a pair of spotted woodpeckers playing on the garagea roof at the bottom of the garden. Plus the ducks are still circling round. We try to keep them out because we have frogspawn and last year they ate every bit!!

A Challenge piece – hmm

Not sure I should’ve bothered taking part in this one. The group is mainly textile students so they were not too impressed with this one methinks! Never mind, it was fun.
Used magazine pages on cardboard to build the A3 backing. Gessoed and then covered in dylusions paints, 3 greens and a yellow. Stenciling with more dylusions paint. Added torn pieces from my Composition pages – love making these! Finally added gold bubbles which I hated so I finger painted over with turquoise and them outlined lots of bits with a black brush pen. Result? Well I like it!!

Mixed media challeng - Easter2016 003

You can’t win them all!

What can I say about this? Maybe I will end up just covering the whole thing with gesso and do something different! Lots of different dylusions sprays and stencils. One thing that I did discover was that by drawing inside a stencil with big brush markers and then smudging I could make some cool circles – I love circles!!
Art 2016 003