Monthly Archives: January 2016

Journal 52 – Week 4 – The Moon

This was going to be a very different page until these two characters insisted on getting in on the act!
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This page has soooo many different sufaces, dylusions inks, perlescent paint, acrylic paint just to name a few! Plus moulding paste for the moon.
Owl and pussycat drawn in pen and coloured with distress inks, boat is painted with dylusions acrylic.
A Fun page to do!!

Autumn leaves

Just made these leaves courtesy of Kellie Colgrove on Youtube, here is the link:
For cutting the leaves I used a Tim Holtz die and also one of his stamps to stamp the details but you could hand cut leaves easily enough.
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They’re made with embossing powder and alcohol inks, her video is excellent for doing this.
I made them as I am trying to make her 28 page mini art journal which I believe she posted some time last year. It’s an excellent eay of learning new techniques. This will be for page 4.
While the inks were out I also made this sheet of deli paper for later use!
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Out of this world?

They say that when you write a book the characters can take over the story – that’s what happened with this page!
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The musical notes napkin I tried to collage down didn’t want to stay put and in the end I had so much glue that bits came off and some bits sort of collected together, lots of texture though!
Painted with black, pink and white dylusions paints, applied with a babywipe. As a last minute thought I added some silver treasure gold (?) for more rays effects.
Turned out to be quite a fun page to make even if it did go it’s own way!

New Journal Cover!

New journal – my Scanner journal. Having ascertained that I am a ‘Scanner’ – ie: someone who constantly scans the horizon for new projects etc and cannot settle to one occupation (these people are called Divers) and that it’s perfectly OK to be a Scanner, I am completely happy now! So, the new Journal is for recording all the crazy things I suddenly want to do. Obviously I had to decorate the cover:
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But suddenly I no longer want to be a turquoise and blue person and have the desire to be pink and purple! So………..gesso over!
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and begin again…………
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Much happier now, I can live with this! Hmmm, maybe a little tweak here and there……….

Mission Inspiration 1

Wow! Finished the first of Mike Deakin’ Mission Inspirations. Thanks Mike for the opportunity to join in with this challenge.

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I wont go into the whole Mission here, details can be found on Facebook but this is what I did:

Glued down some lovely map tissue paper, covered this with a thin coat of gesso. Used several stamps to add some background detail. Stuck down some torn book pages where I wanted my images to be. Added the 3 collaged pictures.
Painted with my fingers around the pictures with paperartsy paints using 3 colours.
Made marks with black paint around the images, trying to give the impression of embedding the pics. Added the quote and doodled around the eges . Added black drips of paint and finished!!

Really enjoyed this one although I did have a bit of false start with a page about fairies which I hated and will do something with another time!

Happy Art Journaling everyone!


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I’ve always yearned after neon paints so when I saw this really cheap set in The Works (£4.00 for 4 x 60ml tubes + silver & gold!) I just had to try them
Strange paint, the first layer didn’t seem to colour much, I guess because they’re cheap they don’t have too much pigment. Second layer seemed to colour up better though. Job done, I’ve tried them! Couldn’t resist adding some stamping etc to finish the job.

And then……Art 130116 003

I found that the yellow over green gave a gorgeous sort of luminosity. This is just my journal where I finish off any paint that is left over, later the page may get finished!