Category Archives: Mission Inspiration 2016

Mission Inspiration

Source: Mission Inspiration

More a Mission Impossible than Mission Inspiration –
as I’m currently in one of the less populated areas of Fuertaventura with only lizards for company and  golf course to look out on!
I brought minimum art supplies with me, just watercolour paintbox, 3 stamps (luckily a text stamp), pens, 3 stencils and a small pot of gesso + pre gessoed paper.

So, this is what happened:
1.  Add 2 colours – added, black and red watercolour with my fingers.
2. Add torn magazine ad fragment  – in this case from the Daily Mail coffee break section!
3. Add – a  thin layer of gesso.
4. Add texture paste through a stencil – hmm -no texture paste – at this point I hadn’t seen Mikes recipe which included bicarb, but i didn’t have any anyway and have no idea what the spanish is for bicarb either! So I improvised with gesso and talcum powder. Smelt nice! Applied with a finger (no pallet knife) through the stencil!
5. Make marks with rush or comb – no – cut a piece of stiffish paper to make a sort of comb and made red circular marks.
6. Adhere book text – as I’d used a crossword I decided to use the clues as the book text.
7. Use 2 rubber stamps containing text – not possible, I only have one text stamp but also used a tiny bit of another stamp with tiny dots so hpoefully it looks a bit like text!
8.Add doodles with a coloured pen. Great, brought my gelirol pens with me so I could do that bit OK!
9. Add a quote, ransom note style. This was fine using the newspaper text again.
10. Add a washi-tape border. Not possible, no washi tape. Ah, cut strips of newspaper headlines and use them!

So, mission now complete with a few adjustments!

Mission Inspiration Feb 001



Mission Inspiration 1

Wow! Finished the first of Mike Deakin’ Mission Inspirations. Thanks Mike for the opportunity to join in with this challenge.

Mission Inspiration 1 006

I wont go into the whole Mission here, details can be found on Facebook but this is what I did:

Glued down some lovely map tissue paper, covered this with a thin coat of gesso. Used several stamps to add some background detail. Stuck down some torn book pages where I wanted my images to be. Added the 3 collaged pictures.
Painted with my fingers around the pictures with paperartsy paints using 3 colours.
Made marks with black paint around the images, trying to give the impression of embedding the pics. Added the quote and doodled around the eges . Added black drips of paint and finished!!

Really enjoyed this one although I did have a bit of false start with a page about fairies which I hated and will do something with another time!

Happy Art Journaling everyone!