I decided that I wanted to make a nice ethereal, calm sort of page…
but then I didn#t really like it, calm and ethereal are not me so I had to grundge it up a bit……..
Still not sure!
I’ve always yearned after neon paints so when I saw this really cheap set in The Works (£4.00 for 4 x 60ml tubes + silver & gold!) I just had to try them
Strange paint, the first layer didn’t seem to colour much, I guess because they’re cheap they don’t have too much pigment. Second layer seemed to colour up better though. Job done, I’ve tried them! Couldn’t resist adding some stamping etc to finish the job.
I found that the yellow over green gave a gorgeous sort of luminosity. This is just my journal where I finish off any paint that is left over, later the page may get finished!
Apparently it is going to get very wintery here in the UK so I made this page in anticipation!
Pieces of christmas wrapping paper glued down. Some stamping with acrylic paint. Gessoed over. Painted with Neocolor crayons. Gessoed again to soften the colours down. Some stenciling and stamping with archival inks and handwritten text. Snowflakes have been given a coat of wink of stella to make them glisten.
In her book on Greenhouse Gardening Anne Swithinbank suggests potting up hellebores and keeping them in the greenhouse. They remain in prime condition and the nodding heads can be seen more easily when they are on a bench. I have several now and a couple are flowering. This one is Ellen double. Quite beautiful!
Actually it would be better if I had turned the picture the right way up!
Was awful! Cold & miserable. But here in the greehouse it’s nice and cosy, well, better than outside.
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