Wow! Finished the first of Mike Deakin’ Mission Inspirations. Thanks Mike for the opportunity to join in with this challenge.
I wont go into the whole Mission here, details can be found on Facebook but this is what I did:
Glued down some lovely map tissue paper, covered this with a thin coat of gesso. Used several stamps to add some background detail. Stuck down some torn book pages where I wanted my images to be. Added the 3 collaged pictures.
Painted with my fingers around the pictures with paperartsy paints using 3 colours.
Made marks with black paint around the images, trying to give the impression of embedding the pics. Added the quote and doodled around the eges . Added black drips of paint and finished!!
Really enjoyed this one although I did have a bit of false start with a page about fairies which I hated and will do something with another time!
Happy Art Journaling everyone!