
I love to watch Nathalie Keur videos on Youtube and this was one of them. Although I had a few issues with restricted supplies still (home next week – yippee!).
I had to create my texture from kitchen roll glued down with a prittstick! It works though, def use that one again. The colours look more muted here than they actually are, they are made by scribbling over the stencils with a gellyroll pen and then rubbing through with a babywipe. No stabilo pencil here so I had to use black watercolor paint. And only gesso for a white, but i do have a white pen with me so could add the white dots and touch up the circles a bit. When it was all done I just didn’t think it look blurred enough around the circles so I started adding the whispy bits, not sure that it adds anything but hey ho, once you’ve started you have to finish!
Anyway, I love circles so I’m happy with it! Thanks Nathalie!

art 2016 002

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